The scythe | CD par Elvenking
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Article n°. | 432539 |
Titre | The scythe |
Genre (musique) | Folk Metal |
Thématiques | Groupes |
Artiste | Elvenking |
Date de sortie | 09/06/2009 |
Collection | Unisexe |
Catégorie de produit | CD |
Média - Format | CD |
Believe Digital GmbH
Van-der-Smissen-Str. 3
22767 Hamburg
CD 1
1.The scythe I
2.The scythe II
3.The scythe III
4.The scythe IV
5.The scythe V
6.The scythe VI
7.The scythe VII
8.The scythe VIII
9.Lost hill of memories I
10.Lost hill of memories II
11.Lost hill of memories III
12.Lost hill of memories IV
13.Lost hill of memories V
14.Lost hill of memories VI
15.Lost hill of memories VII
16.Lost hill of memories VIII
17.Infection I
18.Infection II
19.Infection III
20.Infection IV
21.Infection V
22.Infection VI
23.Infection VII
24.Infection VIII
25.Poison tears I
26.Poison tears II
27.Poison tears III
28.Poison tears IV
29.Poison tears V
30.Poison tears VI
31.Poison tears VII
32.Poison tears VIII
33.A riddle of stars I
34.A riddle of stars II
35.A riddle of stars III
36.A riddle of stars IV
37.A riddle of stars V
38.A riddle of stars VI
39.A riddle of stars VII
40.A riddle of stars VIII
41.Romance and wrath I
42.Romance and wrath II
43.Romance and wrath III
44.Romance and wrath IV
45.Romance and wrath V
46.Romance and wrath VI
47.Romance and wrath VII
48.Romance and wrath VIII
49.Romance and wrath IX
50.The divided heart I
51.The divided heart II
52.The divided heart III
53.The divided heart IV
54.The divided heart V
55.The divided heart VI
56.The divided heart VII
57.The divided heart VIII
58.The divided heart IX
59.Totentanz I
60.Totentanz II
61.Totentanz III
62.Totentanz IV
63.Totentanz V
64.Totentanz VI
65.Totentanz VII
66.Totentanz VIII
67.Death and the suffering [Part I]
68.Death and the suffering [Part II]
69.Death and the suffering [Part III]
70.Death and the suffering [Part IV]
71.Death and the suffering [Part V]
72.Death and the suffering [Part VI]
73.Death and the suffering [Part VII]
74.Death and the suffering [Part VIII]
75.Death and the suffering [Part IX]
76.Dominhate I
77.Dominhate II
78.Dominhate III
79.Dominhate IV
80.Dominhate V
81.Dominhate VI
82.Dominhate VII
83.Dominhate VIII
84.Dominhate IX
par Lisa Hofer (07.10.2007)